Teleoperation conducted via a network is inherently prone to communication delays, diminishing the user experience’s intuitiveness and realism. Our initiative, Model-Based Remote Control (MBRC), aims to mitigate these delays by leveraging predictive models. Instead of relying on real-time feedback from the physical world, operators interact with physics-based models of the remote environment, ensuring prompt responses.

Impact of Communication Latency
Telecommunication delays often manifest as jitter, hindering the timely and accurate execution of tasks. To assess the effects of delay in teleoperation systems, we devised a bidirectional testbed featuring two robots— an operator robot and an avatar robot, each boasting 2 degrees of freedom. The operator robot acts as the interface facilitating human-system interaction, while the avatar robot conveys the human presence to the remote environment and reciprocally projects the environment to the human. Furthermore, the system integrates visualization of the avatar’s surroundings, simulating the system’s viewpoint from a camera. By introducing latency to this testbed, we delve deeper into the core aspects of teleoperation delay.

Preparations for Testbed Evaluation
Toby and Rohan are gearing up the testbed for evaluation. Toby assumes the operator’s role, engaging in a friendly game of rock-paper-scissors with Rohan’s avatar. Alyssa conducts preliminary testing of the 2-degree-of-freedom setup.

Testing the Limits
As the testbed undergoes evaluation, researchers explore various scenarios to stress-test the system’s capabilities under different latency conditions. From simple tasks to complex maneuvers, the aim is to understand how effectively MBRC can overcome communication delays and provide seamless teleoperation experiences.

Fine-Tuning for Performance
In parallel, efforts are underway to refine the predictive models used in MBRC, ensuring their accuracy and responsiveness across a range of operating conditions. By continuously optimizing the system’s algorithms and parameters, we strive to deliver superior teleoperation performance and user satisfaction.

Enhancing User Interaction
In addition to mitigating communication delays, MBRC enhances user interaction by providing intuitive control over the remote environment. Operators can manipulate the physics-based models with precision, allowing for seamless execution of tasks and maneuvers. This heightened level of control not only improves operational efficiency but also fosters a more immersive teleoperation experience, bridging the gap between the operator and the remote environment. As we continue to refine MBRC, our focus remains on empowering users with intuitive and responsive control mechanisms for enhanced teleoperation capabilities.

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